
Using matrix theory as a concrete example of a fundamental holographic theory, we show that the emergent macroscopic spacetime displays a new macroscopic quantum structure, holographic geometry, and a new observable phenomenon, holographic noise, with phenomenology similar to that previously derived on the basis of a quasimonochromatic wave theory. Traces of matrix operators on a light sheet with a compact dimension of size $R$ are interpreted as transverse position operators for macroscopic bodies. An effective quantum wave equation for spacetime is derived from the matrix Hamiltonian. Its solutions display eigenmodes that connect longitudinal separation and transverse position operators on macroscopic scales. Measurements of transverse relative positions of macroscopically separated bodies, such as signals in Michelson interferometers, are shown to display holographic nonlocality, indeterminacy, and noise, whose properties can be predicted with no parameters except $R$. Similar results are derived using a detailed scattering calculation of the matrix wave function. Current experimental technology will allow a definitive and precise test or validation of this interpretation of holographic fundamental theories. In the latter case, they will yield a direct measurement of $R$ independent of the gravitational definition of the Planck length, and a direct measurement of the total number of degrees of freedom.

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