
We study holographic probes dual to heavy quark impurities interpolating between fundamental and symmetric/antisymmetric tensor representations in strongly coupled mathcal{N} = 4 supersymmetric gauge theory. These correspond to non-conformal D3- and D5-brane probe embeddings in AdS5 × S5 exhibiting flows on their world-volumes. By examining the asymptotic regimes of the embeddings and the one-point function of static fields sourced by the boundary impurity, we conclude that the D5-brane embedding describes the screening of fundamental quarks in the UV into an antisymmetric source in the IR, whilst the non-conformal, D3-brane solution interpolates between the symmetric representation in the UV and fundamental sources in the IR. The D5-brane embeddings exhibit nontrivial thermodynamics with multiple branches of solutions, whilst the thermal analogue of the interpolating D3-brane solution does not appear to exist.


  • Corresponding in the infrared to a heavy quark impurity in the antisymmetric tensor representation, labelled by κ

  • The paper is organised as follows: In section 2 we review the D5-brane action, its regularisation, the expanded D5-brane solutions related to holographic Wilson/Polyakov loops in the antisymmetric representation, and the interpretation of the interpolating D5-brane embedding as a flow

  • 1 + v2 θ (v)2 D2 + sin8 θ (v−2 + |x|2)7/2. This expression encodes the complete position dependence of the VEV of the scalar glueball operator sourced by the impurity. It interpolates between the short distance behaviour expected from k heavy quarks in the fundamental representation, and for length scales larger than a critical value determined by A−1, it matches onto the antisymmetric tensor representation with N -ality k

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Antisymmetric Wilson loops from D5-branes

Wilson loops in the fundamental representation are computed by minimal area embeddings of open, fundamental string worldsheets in the dual geometry with the worldsheet boundary anchored to the contour C on the conformal boundary of the dual gravity background. Multiple coincident strings describe the insertion of a number k of fundamental quarks. When the number of strings becomes large, the interactions between them can cause the configuration to expand into suitably wrapped brane configurations with world-volume electric fields proportional to the number of quarks, or the N -ality of the representation in question [7,8,9, 11]

Action and equations of motion
BPS flow from k quarks to the antisymmetric representation
Gauge theory VEV from interpolating D5-brane
The dilaton mode from the bulk
2: The one-point function of
Finite temperature D5-brane embeddings
Numerical solutions
Symmetric Wilson loops and D3 branes
D3-brane flow solution
Regularized action
Interpretation as a flow
Fluctuations about UV and IR regimes
Finite temperature D3-brane embeddings
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