
Quantum information theory along with holography play central roles in our understanding of quantum gravity. Exploring their connections will lead to profound impacts on our understanding of the modern physics and is thus a key challenge for present theory and experiments. In this paper, we investigate a recent conjectured connection between reduced fidelity susceptibility and holographic complexity (the RFS/HC duality for short). We give a quantitative proof of the duality by performing both holographic and field theoretical computations. In addition, holographic complexity in $AdS_{2+1}$ are explored and several important properties are obtained. These properties allow us, via the RFS/HC duality, to obtain a set of remarkable identities of the reduced fidelity susceptibility, which may have significant implications for our understanding of the reduced fidelity susceptibility. Moreover, utilizing these properties and the recent proposed diagnostic tool based on the fidelity susceptibility, experimental verification of the RFS/HC duality becomes possible.

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