
Past studies have evidenced the presence of charcoal in soils and lacustrine sediments of Amazonia region and suggested occurrences of widespread fires during the Middle Holocene. However, the available records do not indicate the changes in fire regime with enough time resolution. We quantified charcoal fragments in lacustrine sediments in a lake of North Carajás plateau in East Amazonia (5°50′–6°35′S and 49°30′–52°00′W). The charcoal quantification was compared to other sediment proxies, allowing a connection between paleofires and climate changes. Large variations in sediment characteristics led to distinct stages of sedimentation. From 11,800 (base of CSN 93/4) to 4750 cal yr B.P., low accumulation rates of organic matter are observed. Between 7600 cal yr B.P. (base of CSN 93/3 core) and 4750 cal yr B.P., this initial phase of sedimentation is characterized by low chlorophyll derivate accumulation rates and high accumulation rates of Botryococcus braunii, an alga resistant to episodic drought. The first phase of sedimentation would therefore correspond to, a low lake level and a drier climate than today. Large biomass burning events occurred between 7450 cal yr B.P. and 4750 cal yr B.P., as indicated by the high charcoal particle concentration. From 4750 cal yr B.P. to 2800 cal yr B.P., accumulation rates of charcoal particles decreased, and the accumulation rate of chlorophyll derivate was low. From 2800 cal yr B.P. to 1300 cal yr B.P., the charcoal accumulation rates reached their lowest values in the core and a rapid increase in lacustrine production is evidenced by the increase in chlorophyll derivates and carbon accumulation rate. From 1300 cal yr B.P. to the last century, the charcoal accumulation rates increased. During the most recent period, the record is characterized by high accumulation rates of chlorophyll derivates while the charcoal particle accumulation rate decreased. This region is still unaffected by the current increase of anthropogenic fires.

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