
New World capuchin monkeys are well-known by their ability to solve problems using stone tools that have the characteristics and morphology of some human-made stone tools. The aim of the present contribution is to carry out brief comparisons between the Pleistocene archeological sites from Brazil (e.g. Pedra Furada, Sitio do Meio, Vale da Pedra Furada, Toca da Tira Peia) and capuchin-made stone tool deposits. Pleistocene sites from Brazil are characterized by the exclusive use of immediately available raw material, the predominance of unifacial flaking, and abundance of cortical flakes, together with the absence of blades and bifacial thinning techniques. In all these aspects, the sites resemble capuchin-made lithic deposits and lack a number of human attributes. In sum, based on positive and negative evidence we are confident that the early archeological sites from Brazil may not be human-derived but may belong to capuchin monkeys.

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