
This study aims to analyze and examine the Holistic Manifestation of Product Placement in Cinema in the Advertising Clutter Era. Researchers use a constructivist paradigm because researchers want to develop an understanding that helps the process of interpreting an event, in this case, the event that the researcher wants to examine is product placement, using films as the research subject. The type of research that the writer uses is descriptive research, namely analyzing and presenting data systematically, so that it is easier to understand and conclude. The research subjects that the author adopts are the appearance of several brands in the film which the researchers analyzed as observants related to their function as advertisers in the film Fast And Furious 8 in increasing brand image in automotive products while the object of research is the documentation of the film Fast and Furious 8.Product placement presents how to promote a brand in a natural, non-aggressive, and non-persuasive way. Audience is exposed to a brand in the most natural way possible by seeing how the product looks, is mentioned or used by the actor / actress, without any persuasion to use the product. This research found that the product placement of automotive brands in the film Fast And Furious 8 can be said to be successful, as evidenced by the data obtained, through this product placement Automotive brands that advertise through the film Fast And Furious 8 have successfully increased their product sales figures. Based on the results and discussion above, this research can conclude on the holistic manifestation of product placement advertising in cinema / film media used by automotive brands in the advertising clutter era to communicate or convey messages and intentions from producers or advertisers to reach the audience.

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