
Holism as a postmodern philosophy in theological light Postmodernity is defined primarily as advocacy for holistic thinking as against the alleged fragmentation in epistemology in the Modern Time. The aim of this article is to describe holism in terms of the modernity-postmodernity debate. It is approached from a theological perspective. Since the Kantian revolution in the Modern Time, metaphysical knowledge has been articulated by influential theologians in the language of analogy. It is shown here that holism as a postmodern philosophy is a departure from theology in the modern sense of the word and, as monistic-metaphysical thinking, it thus has serious consequences. However, holism should not be defined as a paradigm-shift in epistemology.


  • Postm odernity is defined prim arily as advocacy for holistic thinking as against the alleged fragm entation in epistem ology in the M odern Tim e

  • The aim o f this article is to describe holism in term s of the modernitypostm odernity debate. It is approached from a theolo­ gical perspective

  • Since the K antian revolution in the Modern Time, metaphysical knowledge has been articu­ lated by influential theologians in the language of analogy

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A G van Aarde Universiteit van Pretoria

Postm odernity is defined prim arily as advocacy for holistic thinking as against the alleged fragm entation in epistem ology in the M odern Tim e. Since the K antian revolution in the Modern Time, metaphysical knowledge has been articu­ lated by influential theologians in the language of analogy It is shown h ere th at holism as a postm odern philosophy is a departure from theology in the m odern sense of the word and, as m onistic-m etaphysical thinking, it has serious consequences. Van hierdie breë kennisnam e van vandag se holisme kyk ons na enkele aspekte van bepaalde invloede wat in die n ajaa r van die m oderne e ra op ’n invloedryke figuur soos F ritjo f C apra uitgeoefen is. Die voordrag het ten doel om aan te toon dat die holisme wat iemand soos C apra as lewenshouding propageer, as ’n postmodernistiese verskynsel * gesien kan word. M et hierdie onderskeid word gesê dat ons meen dat postm oderniteit anders as postmodernisme positiewe aspcktc bevat wat in die teologie bruikbaar is

A G van Aarde
A G vanAarde
A G von Aanie
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