
AbstractAb initio SCF, CI, CEPA, and MCSCF techniques are compared and contrasted in a theoretical study of the 1s core ionized Li2 molecule from the point of view of core hole localization. In agreement with earlier studies of symmetric core ionized molecules, SCF theory is found to give a physically reasonable description of core ionization only when symmetry breaking is allowed. This results in a dramatic lowering of the energy of the core ionized state and hence of the ionization potential. By extension, CI wave functions that are developed in terms of a broken symmetry SCF reference plus its single and double excitations are found to perform significantly better than those constructed from symmetry adapted SCF orbitals. Alternatively, if the full point group symmetry is to be retained, a multiconfigurational treatment is called for and, in agreement with the conclusions of an analogous study on O2 [H. Ågren, P.S. Bagus, and B.O. Roos, Chem. Phys. Letters 82, 505(1981)], it is found that a modestly sized MCSCF wave function is capable of accounting for the energetic effects of symmetry breaking. Potential energy curves for Li2 and several states of core ionized Li2 have been calculated, allowing predictions of the adiabatic ionization potential and vibrational, satellite, and Auger structures in the photoelectron spectrum of Li2 to be made.

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