
Hole injection into silicon dioxide (SiO2) films (8–40nm thick) is investigated for the first time during substrate electron injection via Fowler–Nordheim (FN) tunneling in n-type 4H- and 6H–SiC (silicon carbide) based metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) structures at a wide range of temperatures (T) between 298 and 598K and oxide electric fields Eoxfrom 6 to 10MV/cm. Holes are generated in heavily doped n-type polycrystalline silicon (n+-polySi) gate serving as the anode as well as in the bulk silicon dioxide (SiO2) film via hot-electron initiated band-to-band ionization (BTBI). In absence of oxide trapped charges, it is shown that at a given temperature, the hole injection rates from either of the above two mechanisms are higher in n-4H–SiCMOS devices than those in n-6H–SiCMOS structures when compared at a given Eoxand SiO2thickness (tox). On the other hand, relative to n-4H–SiCdevices, n-6H–SiCstructures exhibit higher hole injection rates for a given toxduring substrate electron injection at a given FN current density je,FNthroughout the temperature range studied here. These two observations clearly reveal that the substrate material (n-6H–SiCand n-4H–SiC) dependencies on time-to-breakdown (tBD) or injected charge (electron) to breakdown (QBD) of the SiO2film depend on the mode of FN injections (constant field/voltage and current) from the substrate which is further verified from the rigorous device simulation as well.

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