
HOAPS (Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data) is a global climatology of sea surface parameters and surface energy and freshwater fluxes derived from satellite radiances for the time period July 1987 to December 1998. Data from polar orbiting radiometers, the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) and the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), have been used to get global fields of surface meteorological and oceanographic parameters but also latent heat flux, evaporation, precipitation and net freshwater flux over ice free ocean areas for various averaging periods and grid sizes. All retrieval methods have been validated with in situ data on a global scale to the extent possible. In this paper some of the major outcomes are exemplarily shown together with the results of comparison studies with the in situ climatology provided by the Southampton Oceanography Centre (SOC).

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