
Akademiai Kiado (Akademiai) is Hungary’s oldest publishing house that has been operating uninterrupted since 1828. Founded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, its original mission was to publish the results of Hungary’s scientific enterprise. Since 1996, the publishing house has been operating as a share-holding company, owned jointly by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Wolters Kluwer. Every year, Akademiai Kiado publishes 100–140 works including basic scholarly reference books, educational books, monoand bilingual dictionaries, language course books, moreover, 55 peer-reviewed international scientific Hungarian and foreign-language periodicals journals, mainly in English. Akademiai Kiado is a market leader in the publishing of dictionaries and periodicals. In sum, Akademiai seeks to offer scholarly publications for the promotion of learning and the building of careers in our knowledgeand learning-centered world by providing reliable, correct, and up-to-date information from a variety of scholarly and scientific fields. For years, readers and authors of scholarly manuscripts have clamored for a more rapid and efficient peer-review process. Editorial Manager uses the capabilities of the web to meet this need by allowing on-line manuscript submission by authors in a variety of document and image formats including: Word, WordPerfect, RTF, Postscript, PDF, LaTeX, GIF, TIFF and JPEG. Submissions are automatically transformed into PDF files for circulation to selected reviewers. All the main functions of the publisher’s editorial office, such as reviewer selection and review status tracking, are automated by the Editorial Manager using e-mail and web-based reporting. Subsequently, authors, reviewers and editors are able to monitor the progress of their manuscripts from anywhere in the world using any web-capable computer and e-mail. The web interface allows authors and referees to upload their submissions and reviews, and enables other users such as editors and editorial staff to interact with the system. The result is greater flexibility in using the system. As to speed: by eliminating postal delays at all stages of the submission and review process, significant savings could be made to the overall receipt-to-decision time. The benefits would be decreased turnaround time of publications, article-based pro-

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