
Consecutive adult HT recipients (n=596) from 1/2015to12/2019 at 2 US centers were included. Severity of PGD was based on the 2014 International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantationconsensus statement. For each recipient, unacceptable HLA antigens were obtained and locus-specific cPRA (cPRA-LS) and pre-HT donor-specific antibodies (DSA) were assessed. Univariable logistic modeling showed that peak cPRA-LS for all loci and HLA-A was associated with increased severity of PGD as an ordinal variable (all loci: OR 1.78, 95% CI: 1.01-1.14, p=0.025, HLA-A: OR 1.14, 95% CI: 1.03-1.26, p=0.011). Multivariable analysis showed peak cPRA-LS for HLA-A, recipient beta-blocker use, total ischemic time, donor age, prior cardiac surgery, and United Network for Organ Sharing status 1 or 2 were associated with increased severity of PGD. The presence of DSA to HLA-B was associated with trend toward increased risk of mild-to-moderate PGD (OR 2.56, 95% CI: 0.99-6.63, p=0.053), but DSA to other HLA loci was not associated with PGD. Sensitization for all HLA loci, and specifically HLA-A, is associated with an increased severity of PGD. These factors should be included in pre-HT risk stratificationto minimize the risk of PGD.

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