
Several pattern-recognition receptors sense HIV-1 replication products and induce type I interferon (IFN-I) production under specific experimental conditions. However, it is thought that viral sensing and IFN induction are virtually absent in the main target cells of HIV-1 invivo. Here, we show that activated CD4+ Tcells sense HIV-1 infection through the cytosolic DNA sensor cGAS and mount a bioactive IFN-I response. Efficient induction of IFN-I by HIV-1 infection requires proviral integration and is regulated bynewly expressed viral accessory proteins: Vpr potentiates, while Vpu suppresses cGAS-dependent IFN-I induction. Furthermore, Vpr also amplifies innate sensing of HIV-1 infection in Vpx-treated dendritic cells. Our results identify cGAS as mediator of an IFN-I response to HIV-1 infection in CD4+ Tcells and demonstrate that this response is modulated by the viral accessory proteins Vpr and Vpu. Thus, viral innate immune evasion is incomplete in the main target cells of HIV-1.

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