
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that is the causative agent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Current HIV therapy is based on targeting two critical enzymes in the viral replication machinery: reverse transcriptase and a virally encoded protease. Although mortality rates due to HIV infection have been dramatically reduced, AIDS remains a major health problem throughout the world. The emergence of HIV variants that are resistant to current therapies and potential toxicity associated with their chronic use has highlighted the need for new approaches to HIV inhibition. Identification of the mechanisms underlying viral entry into the host cell has provided a number of novel therapeutic targets and the first of these HIV fusion inhibitors (enfuvirtide [pentafuside, T-20, Fuzeon; Roche Laboratories and Trimeris]) has recently been approved in the US and Europe. This review will focus on recent progress in the development of therapeutics that target the HIV entry process.

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