
Uracilation of DNA represents a constant threat to the survival of many organisms including viruses. Uracil may appear in DNA either by cytosine deamination or by misincorporation of dUTP. The HIV-1-encoded Vif protein controls cytosine deamination by preventing the incorporation of host-derived APOBEC3G cytidine deaminase into viral particles. Here, we show that the host-derived uracil DNA glycosylase UNG2 enzyme, which is recruited into viral particles by the HIV-1-encoded integrase domain, is essential to the viral life cycle. We demonstrate that virion-associated UNG2 catalytic activity can be replaced by the packaging of heterologous dUTPase into virion, indicating that UNG2 acts to counteract dUTP misincorporation in the viral genome. Therefore, HIV-1 prevents incorporation of dUTP in viral cDNA by UNG2-mediated uracil excision followed by a dNTP-dependent, reverse transcriptase-mediated endonucleolytic cleavage and finally by strand-displacement polymerization. Our findings indicate that pharmacologic strategies aimed toward blocking UNG2 packaging should be explored as potential HIV/AIDS therapeutics.

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