
Identification of genes and genomic regions under directional natural selection has become one of the major goals in evolutionary genetics, but relatively little work to this end has been done by applying hitchhiking mapping to wild populations. Hitchhiking mapping starts from a genome scan using a randomly spaced set of molecular markers followed by a fine-scale analysis in the flanking regions of the candidate regions under selection. We used the hitchhiking mapping approach to narrow down a selective sweep in the genomic region flanking a candidate locus (Stn90) in chromosome VIII in the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Twenty-four microsatellite markers were screened in an approximately 800-kb region around the candidate locus in three marine and four freshwater populations. The patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation in the candidate region were compared to those of a putatively neutral set of markers. The Bayesian FST-test indicated an elevated genetic differentiation, deviating significantly from neutral expectations, at a continuous region of approximately 20 kb upstream from the candidate locus. Furthermore, a method developed for an array of microsatellite markers rejected neutrality in a region of approximately 90 kb flanking the candidate locus supporting the selective sweep hypothesis. Likewise, the genomewide pattern of genetic diversity differed from the candidate region in a bottleneck analysis suggesting that selection, rather than demography, explains the reduced genetic diversity at the candidate interval. The neutrality tests suggest that the selective sweep had occurred mainly in the Lake Pulmanki population, but the results from bottleneck analyses indicate that selection might have operated in other populations as well. These results suggest that the narrow interval around locus Stn90 has likely been under directional selection, but the region contains several predicted genes, each of which can be the actual targets of selection. Understanding of the functional significance of this genomic region in an ecological context will require a more detailed sequence analysis.

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