
The article analyzes the views of scientists on the specified problem of study. It is specified that the problem of continuous primary school teacher training to work in the conditions of inclusive education that we studied is a certain chronological sequence of transformations of different visions and it is relevant to the sphere of scientific and pedagogical search. We made a scientific analysis of the studies and clarified the definition of some concepts. It is specified, that we understand the historiography of development the continuous primary school teacher training to work in a conditions of inclusive education as a totality of research scientific and pedagogical works directed on the study of the specified problem from the time of its actualization due to today and the main its task we see in the objective coverage of the history of the issue of continuous primary school teacher preparation to work in conditions of inclusive education with taking into account the transformation of the ideas and views on the problem, studied by us. We generalized the sources processed by us on the basis of the analysis in the historiographical dimension into the two groups: continuous primary school teacher training from the end of XX cent. due to today; The history of inclusive education in the Ukraine from the end of XX cent. due to today.

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