
MtDNA sequences (396 bp cytochrome b and 369 bp 12S rRNA) from recent material and old museum specimens indicate Pleurodeles poireti and P. waltl form independent clades with 7.76% genetic divergence. Within P. poireti, populations from Djebel Edough, NE Algeria are very distinct with 6.12% genetic divergence from the remainder and may deserve separate species status. Away from Djebel Edough, P. poireti consists of three distinct clades (coastal NW Tunisia; central N Algeria; Constantine plus inland NW Tunisia) with a maximum genetic divergence of only 1%. P. waltl contains two clades with 2.96% genetic divergence, one in SE and E Spain plus north Morocco, the other in Portugal and SW and central Spain. Pleurodeles probably invaded NW Africa from SW Europe during the Messinian Salinity Crisis, when land contact was first established at 5.6 Ma, and then interrupted at 5.3 Ma. Molecular clocks, calibrated in the assumption that the latter event separated P. waltl and P. poireti, suggest that Pleurodeles diverged from its sister taxon, Tylototriton, at about 8.6–10 Ma. Djebel Edough P. poireti separated at about 4.2 Ma, perhaps through isolation on a temporary, now ‘fossil’, island initiated by the Messinian crisis. Differentiation in remaining P. poireti may have been caused by Pleistocene climatic fluctuations, while bifurcation in P. waltl appears to have taken place in the Pliocene approximately between 3.2 and 2 Ma. This species reached Morocco very recently, perhaps as a result of human introduction. Use in Pleurodeles of the slower divergence rates estimated in some other salamandrids results in a less parsimonious historical hypothesis that does not fit known geophysical events.

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