
The article summarizes the activities of the Department of Foreign Languages with the Latin language and medical terminology over 90 years of existence. The authors consider the key stages of the functioning of this structural unit at different historical stages. Research methods: chronological, historical and system analysis method. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the activities of the Department of Foreign Languages with the Latin language and medical terminology are comprehensively reflected. Scientific, methodological, educational achievements throughout the years 1931-2020 are presented. Conclusions. It is shown that one of the priorities of the department at the present stage is the formation of the communicative competence of medical students, ensuring their successful quasi-professional and professional activities. Differentia specifica of the studied period - providing the educational process with high-quality educational, reference literature with a focus on the implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the process of teaching Latin, medical terminology and English for special purposes. Confirmation of this thesis is the number of winners of national and international competitions prepared at the department over the past 15 years

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