
AbstractThis article describes the history of the Beer Game. By triangulating information from literature, archival analysis, and interviews with experts in the field, the main changes in the game over its almost 70‐year history are identified. The article discusses three aspects of the game: 1) its structure (phases of its history, stocks and flows, parameters, etc.); 2) the process for playing the game; and 3) the game debrief. The structure of the Beer Game, and the process for running it, have stabilized over the years into what is now a de facto standard approach. Additional work is needed in the game debrief, specifically in the clarification of key insights and messages (depending on the context of the use of the game), in how to communicate such messages to different audiences, and in the development of support materials for its delivery. © 2024 UChicago Argonne, LLC. System Dynamics Review published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of System Dynamics Society.

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