
An arterial tonometer that allows you to determine the pressurein the shoulder from the pulse wave of the radial artery withoutsqueezing the vessels with a cuff, today remains an unattainablegoal of many researchers due to the lack of suitable pulse wavesensors (PV). The article describes a mobile medicine device,which is a kind of “smart watch” with its original function of ahuman pulse wave analyzer. This function has become possibledue to an introduction of a matrix fiber-optic sensor (MFOS)developed by a team of Russian scientists at the A. A. BlagonravovIMASH at the Russian Academy of Sciences. Features ofthe device that distinguish it from existing analogues are givenbelow:1) Capability to determine blood pressure with medical accuracywithout squeezing blood vessels with a cuff,2) Capability to diagnose the cardiovascular system and assessits condition taking into account the age of a person,3) Capability to diagnose all human organ systems using spectralanalysis of heart rate variability,4) Capability to determine the code (modulation frequency)corresponding to the established disease after the diagnosisis established using this gadget, and to carry out targeted deliveryof an increased amount of blood to the affected organ,5) Capability to perform high-quality monitoring of blood pressure(over time).After diagnosis, the gadget determines the code (modulationfrequency) corresponding to the established disease and promotestargeted delivery of an increased amount of blood to theaffected organ. Treatment is carried out by organizing a certainrespiratory rate, which, in turn, generates certain modulationsof the heart rate. As a result, the affected organ receives anadditional amount of blood and recovers.

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