
The article examines the history of the study of official TV shows in the Kazakh language in the linguistic and stylistic direction. The authors reviews the history of television language research in Kazakh linguistics. Television broadcasts are a synthesized work of art, its means of information dissemination: language is the main means of information dissemination, video material is the main feature of television information dissemination, and audio-information is an auxiliary means of influence.The language of TV news is a two-way process of a monologue type based on a dialogical, discursive character, a special type of mass communication that is officially spoken in a cool voice.Various literary lexical units used in the language of telecasts affect the vocabulary of the receiving group, form their linguistic character, and supplement their vocabulary and composition.Final news is a collective product, its subjects are complex communicative individuals.Linguistic patterns caused by taking into account some extralinguistic factors affecting the language of telecasts are a feature of the language of telecasts in information dissemination.Mass information is delivered to the addressee in various genre forms. There are three types of traditional journalistic genre: analytical, informational and art-publicistic. Breaking news belongs to its informative genre.Broadcasting is a special product of electronic mass media. Its main difference from other types of mass media is that it is possible to watch (visual) and listen (audio) TV broadcasts, thus it is possible to get the most important information quickly, and it will remain in people's memory for a long time. Here, the main features of newspapers and radio are summarized in one place.Linguistic communication in breaking news belongs to the universal type of journalistic discourse, which is called the language of mass communication. Language communication here is oral, formal, monologue, dialogic, public, mass, communicative.

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