
In this study, we examined the history of sleep disorders in chronic kidney disease, 60 years after the advent of hemodialysis and renal transplant of genetically nonrelated organs, which have spurred a critical mass of data. We analyzed selected literature on sleep disorders in chronic kidney disease from 1959 onward. Sleep disturbances are present in the general population. They cause loss of renal function and progressive nephron loss. Insomnia, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and periodic limb movements represent sleep disturbances in chronic kidney disease. These symptoms manifest early in chronic kidney disease and are a rule in patients on dialysis and kidney transplant recipients. Sleep disturbances cause fatigue, excessive daily sleepiness, impaired daytime function, impaired health-related quality of life, increased morbidity, and increased mortality. Sleep disorders affect most patients with chronic kidney disease. No ascertained pharmacological therapy exists, and even a successful transplant does not totally restore a refreshing sleep. Longer nocturnal hemodialysis is of benefit. Sleep apnea may be cured with continuous positive airway pressure.

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