
Princess Campbell arrived in Bristol from Jamaica as a 19-year-old in 1962, and got a job in a tobacco factory. Although the money was good, the work was unsatisfying. ‘At the time nursing pay was poor, but I would sit in the factory thinking “What is my purpose in life?” I knew there were people who were not well and who needed help. I had to try to help them for the sake of my own fulfi lment and happiness.’ Ms Campbell decided on a career as a nurse – and found her purpose in life. Her plan was to gain as much training as possible and then return to Jamaica. After qualifying as a state registered nurse, she gained a qualifi cation in mental health nursing. Early in her career, while working at a mental health hospital in Bristol, she completed a management course – only to be warned it would not get her anywhere. ‘I noticed there were no black sisters. Other nurses at the hospital told me that, because I was ambitious, I would have to move because I would not win promotion if I remained.’ Instead, Ms Campbell went to see the principal tutor and asked why black people were not promoted. He told her that white nurses would not work for a black sister. She suspected that was not true because she regularly acted up as sister to cover holidays and sickness. To challenge the system Ask Paulette Lewis what the biggest contribution made by the Nurses Association of Jamaica (UK) is and she is quick to reply. ‘It is about having a platform for supporting nurses and black minority and ethnic (BME) communities in their health, education and wellbeing,’ she says. ‘It is building partnerships with other organisations, nationally and internationally. It is also about having fun.’ This year the Nurses Association of Jamaica (NAJ) celebrates its 35th anniversary. Launched in 1978 to support nurses coming from Jamaica to work in the UK, it has grown over the years into a History of partnership

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