
The article briefly presents the US National Archives, where a number of documents important for the history of the Lithuanian diplomacy, as well as a document significant for the history of the Lithuanian diaspora and its political organizations, are preserved. One of them is Memorandum of Conversation dated 2 February 1949 and prepared by John D. Hickerson, an official of the US Department of State. It extensively describes his meeting and conversations with members of the Supreme Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania, the Prelate Mykolas Krupavičius and Vaclovas Sidzikauskas, who for the first time visited the US and were accompanied to the meeting by the then Lithuanian Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary Povilas Žadeikis. Memorandum of Conversation is introduced into scientific circulation through methods of archival document monitoring and case analysis, as well as additional tools (such as periodicals and memoirs, archival documents) and based on the principles of document publication. The document published for the first time, as a primary source, supplements the data of Lithuanian historiography, gives a broader content to the known fact, reinforces the scientific research base on the history of Lithuanian diplomacy, the history of the Lithuanian diaspora’s political organizations and separately – the history of Lithuanian-the US bilateral diplomatic relations.


  • The Minister called at his own request this afternoon to present two Lithuanian political leaders, Monsignor Krupavicius and Mr Sidzikauskas, who have recenty arrived in the United States from the French Occupation Zone in Germany, where they reside

  • Mr Zadeikis explained that Monsignor Krupavicius is the Chairman of the Supreme Lithuanian Committee of Liberation and that Mr Sidzikauskas is the Executive Chairman of the Committee

  • Mr Sidzikauskas, who did most of the talking during the interview, said that Monsignor Krupavicius and he desired to Express their thanks and appreciation for the attitude the United States Government had taken toward Lithuania, as well as the other two Baltic countries of Latvia and Estonia

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Tai ne vienintelė prieiga prie JAV Valstybės departamento archyvų, nes nuo 1861 metų yra leidžiami daugiatomiai dokumentų rinkiniai. JAV Valstybės departamento pareigūno Memorandum of Conversation yra rašytas 1949 m. Lietuvos diplomatinės tarnybos vidinėje korespondencijoje didesnis dėmesys buvo skiriamas to meto tarptautinei padėčiai, o patys diplomatai VLIK narių vizitą JAV Valstybės departamente vertino kaip sėkmę kabutėse JAV Valstybės departamento pareigūno atsakymas Lietuvos diplomatui, kad jis neturi šia tema komentarų, leidžia spėti, kad vis dėlto tema abiem pusėms buvo svarbi, nenutylėta. Sidzikausko kalbą ir paminėjo detales, kurių nėra Memorandum of Conversation tekste: „Min. Sidzikauskas pavaizdavo Lietuvą kaipo Pabaltijo Zoną, kurio žmonės yra deportuojami į bolševikų koncentracijos stovyklas arba gyvena DP stovyklose Vokietijoje, kuriems gresia žiauri mirtis, jei jie grįžtų į savo tėvynę“22), bet nepaminėjo nei pasiuntinio P.

Tą patį epizodą aprašydamas dar vienas lietuvių išeivijos laikraštis
Memorandum of Conversation
Memorandumas apie Pasikalbėjimą
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