
Aim. To investigate and reveal the peculiarities of the history of development of biology branches such as breeding, evolution and genetics, associated with the names of well-known scientists who worked during the totalitarian dictatorial regime of the Soviet Union. Methods. Literature, letters and archival documents search and study. Comparison, analysis and evaluation of data obtained. Results. In the 30–60s of the last century, the process of influence of genetics on breeding and of breeding on genetics and on evolution in general was widely discussed among biologists. Unfortunately, the party bodies of that time intervened in the discussion, which led to an artificial division of biology as the science into alternative mutually exclusive "isms". Different "isms" are the result of a highly specialized approach to scientific activity and an artificial division of a single nature; these are different points of view that characterize different levels of research, which contain elements of truth but lead to nonsense and errors when they are exalted to the absolute. During the years of the cult of personality, a lack of understanding of the natural course of development of any science led to tragic consequences both in the genetics itself and in the fate of its carriers, geneticists. When the practice of the heavy-handed development of genetics in our country was overcome and condemned, it became clear that the union of genetics and breeding can only grow on the basis of a deep interpenetration of these sciences. Conclusions. Further development of breeding, genetics and evolution is associated with the development of a new scientific paradigm. A possible basis for a new scientific paradigm at the present stage may be the epigenetic theory of evolution, which in recent decades has been formed into an independent science called epigenetics and stands at the forefront of applied and medical biology.

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