
Avalanches have caused injuries and deaths in mountain areas throughout history. We have examined the historical effects of avalanches on communities in the eastern Spanish Pyrenees. Surviving written records began in the year 1444 when an avalanche destroyed the village of Gessa. Many other avalanchessince then have destroyed houses and other buildings and have caused injuries and deaths. In the 20th and 21st centuries, many villages evolved from agrarian areas to destinations for winter sports. The first known deaths during winter recreation likely occurred in 1930. Because of avalanche mitigation efforts, including relocating settlements, physical barriers, avalanche control measures, effortsto increase avalanche awareness, and avalanche warnings, avalanches now seldom affect inhabited areas in the eastern Spanish Pyrenees. Avalanche injuries and fatalities are now mainly limited to backcountry skiers and others traveling out of bounds near avalanche-controlled ski resorts.

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