
The Holocene sedimentary diatom record from Otasan Lake, Alberta, has been analyzed to determine the development of this presently slightly acidic lake. The changes in the lake have been linked to the development of the Sphagnum-dominated catchment. Analysis of the stratigraphic data revealed four distinct zones. The lake record began ca. 8200 yrs BP with a benthic and alkaline diatom assemblage dominated by Ellerbeckia arenaria (Moore) Crawford. At ca. 7300 yrs BP planktonic species began to increase and dominate indicating increased water levels, decreased turbidity, and increased nutrient levels. Throughout the Holocene the peatland in the catchment encroached toward the modern lake margin and by ca. 5000 yrs BP lake acidity had changed sufficiently such that acidic diatom species dominated. Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kutz.v. flocculosa Strain IIIp sensu Koppen dominated the record from ca. 5000 to ca. 3100 yrs BP. The lowest lake water pH was inferred for this zone. From ca. 3100 yrs BP to the present Fragilaria species, primarily F. construens v. venter (Ehr.) Hustedt, dominated the diatom assemblage. Diatom productivity and inferred pH were interpreted as stable. From correspondence analysis of the fossil samples, and from species assemblages, underlying gradients of pH, nutrient level, and water depth were inferred. The change from alkaline to slightly acidic conditions took place between ca. 8200 and ca. 5000 yrs BP. From ca. 3000 yrs BP to the present, lake water pH has remained fairly constant. Nutrient levels and water depth were inferred to have altered together. After ca. 8200 yrs BP, nutrients and water level began to increase until ca. 6000 yrs BP. Then, there was a gradual decline in these variables over the most acidic zone until ca. 3000 yrs BP, after which they, too, have remained fairly constant. Dominant Boreal Upland Vegetation was established by ca. 7200 yrs BP, and it was inferred that dominant climate patterns had been established at that time, but small changes in climate have occurred and the landscape in northeastern Alberta has only been stable for the last 3000 years.

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