
The telecommunications sector is a significant contributor to the global economy and is vital to the competitiveness of the economy. Market liberalization’s goal and objective encompasses both general economic growth and the advantages to consumers of lower pricing, more service options, higher service quality, and a wider selection of products. As a means of enacting regulatory changes in the telecommunications sector, telecommunications regulation is of the utmost importance. In the telecommunications sector, regulatory reform has become a crucial area. For regulatory reforms to be successful, regulatory regimes must be transparent, consistent, and all-encompassing, encompassing everything from setting up the right institutional framework to liberalizing network industries, promoting and enforcing competition law and policy, and opening both internal and external markets to trade. This article examines the historical background of telecommunications in Nigeria is traced. It examines several developments that have taken place in the Nigerian telecommunications industry. It further examines several regulatory regimes in the Nigerian telecommunications industry prior to Nigeria’s independence in 1960 and post-independence till 2003.

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