
The article analyzes historiography, which reveals the eidetics of early art in the context of the latest scientific field – neuroart, which in this scientific context is almost not represented in the Ukrainian space of art history. The study of historiography on aspects of the origin of Paleolithic art, the study of primitive thinking and the study of the kinship of artistic heritage of different eras has shown that Ukrainian and foreign scholars have conducted a number of thorough studies. Active search for new dimensions of interpretation of artistic processes contributes to the growing interest of scientists in studying certain components of this complex issue, such as eidetic and other dimensions of primitive art, the essence of neuroart and its role in artistic processes, the relationship between primitive and contemporary art. The interdisciplinary nature of the study of the problem of the eidetics of primitiveness on the background of the theory of neuroart led to the consideration of historiographical sources of a wide range of research, which includes archaeological, anthropological, historical, art, cultural, scientific achievements, philosophy, psychology and some branches of neurons. Defining the criteria of the category of eidetics as a process of figurative reflection of reality on the basis of memorization of objects and translation of experienced feelings in art outlined the source base of the study. According to Ukrainian scientists, the origins of Paleolithic art are connected with memory as a function of human thinking. It was thanks to eideticism that primitive people had the opportunity to clearly reproduce what they saw. Thanks to eidetic memories, unlike ordinary ones, one can perceive an image in its absence. It is important to emphasize the lack of ideological influences on the eidetics of primitive art and unity with natural processes and phenomena, which distinguishes primitive art from contemporary art as a socially determined phenomenon.

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