
The article presents the archaeographic publication of a review by Professor S. I.-Y. Borovoy on the manuscript «History of Odessa University for one hundred years». The manuscript was prepared by a team of authors headed by the responsible editor, rector of Odessa State University named after I. I. Mechnikov A. I. Yurzhenko by January 1965 in connection with the centenary of the opening of the university in 1865., when it was still called Imperial Novorossiysk University. The review presented in this article was not previously published and did not become the subject of scientific research. The presented material reflects the main milestones of the activities of Odessa (Novorossiysk) University over a hundred years of its existence. A feature of introducing a review into scientific circulation is the addition, by the facts indicated therein, of well-known scientific publications on the history of the university, which helps to recreate a more general and closer to an objective picture of its history. The content of the review, despite the ideological component of the current political regime, allows us to recreate the essential details of the development of the university system of education and higher education, fragments of the biography and scientific heritage of a number of scientists from various fields of knowledge. The review text reproduces the discussion questions around certain aspects of the history of the development of the system of higher education and science in Odessa, which demonstrates the criticisms and objections of S. I.-Y. Borovoy to some colleagues and positive sayings to other colleagues. Comparison of the content of the review text S. I.-Y. Borovoy and published in the publishing house of the University of Kiev in 1968 books « History of Odessa University for one hundred years » indicates the ignoring by the group of authors of most of the comments, wishes and recommendations of the reviewer. The publication of the review is accompanied by sufficiently complete comments on their content and introduces into the scientific circulation a valuable historiographic source, which is stored in the fund of personal origin S. I.-Y. Borovoy in the State archive of Odessa region. Studying the intellectual heritage of S. I.-Y. Borovoy is of independent importance for the development of methodological considerations about the study, description, publication, commenting on his epistolary heritage.

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