
The issue surrounding the value o f the various historicocritical methods of exegesis is dealt with in this article. The various methods (Form criticism, Lite­ rary criticism, History o f transmission, Redaction history and Tradition history) are explicated and discussed Literary criticism deals with the written sources used for the compilation o f a work. Form criticism is coricemed with the form in which statements have been poured. History o f transmission (Uberleferungsgeschichte) looks at the transmission o f a certain section, also within the con­ text o f the period in which it was written down. Tradition history looks at the development and the run of specific traditions, such as the exodus from Egypt. Redaction history is concerned with the redaction or editing of a work, until it assumes its final shape.


  • The issue surrounding the value o f the various historico-critical m ethods o f exegesis is dealt w ith in this article

  • Alhoewel die wyse w aarop hierdie metodes deur die kritiese teoloë gebruik is, om prinsipiële redes nie nagevolg kan word nie, is dit waar dat hulle sekere wettige terreine van ondersoek aangedui het

  • Hierdie uitsprake kon voorlopig versamel en m et verloop van tyd aangevul gewees het deur latere uitsprake, en hierdie versameling het dan as grondslag gedien vir die finale samesteller van die boek — of dit nou Esegiël self was of iemand w at aan hom verbonde was

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The issue surrounding the value o f the various historico-critical m ethods o f exegesis is dealt w ith in this article. Dit is dus ongetw yfeld so d at die ontstaan van hierdie m etodes en die ontplooiing daarvan teen ’n bepaalde agtergrond geplaas m oet w ord en dat daar baie sterk beswaar daarteen aangeteken kan word deur teoloë w at aan die Bybel as die W oord van God vashou.

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