
The world’s so-called developed countries of the West have long economic and political history compared to those of the East. The developed countries are far away from today’s developing countries in terms of aggregate income, aggregate capital formation, total number of human capital, etc. Though some countries from the East have outpaced some of the Western countries in terms of gross domestic product (GDP), aggregate bank credit and capital formation, in the twenty-first century, such as China and India, they are far behind in terms of per capita income, per capita financial facilities and per capita capital stock. On the other hand, the countries from the East, except a few one, are also well lagging behind their Western counterparts in the level of human development. With the theme of the book on the growth and developmental aspects of credit allocations, the present chapter makes an introduction to the subject area by means of credit histories in the selected 10 countries and their phase-wise levels of GDP, credit and Human Development Index (HDI). The figures for GDP, credit and HDI reflect the rising trends in GDP and credit for all in the entire phase but there are some downfalls in the GDP and credit during the phase of the global financial crisis. Besides, it observes rising trends of HDI in all the countries but the rates of rise are more in the case of the developing countries. There are thus the possibilities of getting correlations among the different pairs of the variables across the countries.

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