
The idea of a historical park to manage colonial heritage in Semarang has not yet been noticed. History Park is a concept that has a conservative meaning towards heritage. The research was qualitative project with a descriptive design. The data sources were obtained from informants and documents. It was recorded that 16 participants were involved in this study, including; tourists, city governments, stakeholders, historians, archaeologists, and observers of historical heritage. Data were collected using interview and observation. The correctness of the data is checked through triangulation. Data analysis was performed using an interactive model. The results showed that the idea of a historical park as a management concept for colonial heritage in the Old City of Semarang was accepted by the public and stakeholders with an interest in developing inclusive tourism in Semarang. The historical park contains at least three elements; disability friendly, elderly friendly, and child friendly. The conclusion is historical park as an alternative concept that combines the interests of preserving historical heritage as well as inclusive tourism. The application of this concept in tourism activities can attract the enthusiasm of the public to understand the history of the colonial Semarang. The promotion of inclusive tourism is becoming more attractive with the historical park content.

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