
The book titled Muyessiretu'l-Ulum (the ease of sciences) written by Bergamali Kadri and presented to the Sadrazam of Suleiman the Magnificent, Ibrahim Pasha, is the first grammar book of Turkish written in Turkish language. Turkish grammar science was established by Kasgarli Mahmut in Turkistan in the middle ages. His main grammar book titled Kitâbu Cevâhiru'n-Nahv fi Lugati't-Turk (The Jewel and Directions of Turkish in Thesaurus) is missing; however, Kitâbu Divâni Lugâti't-Turk (The Large Thesaurus Book of Turkish) which he wrote in order to teach Turkish grammar to Arabs gives rules of the Turkish language of that period. However, due to its basic purpose which is teaching Turkish to Arabs, it was written with a somewhat different system based on the rules of Arabic language. Muyessiretu'l-Ulum is the first grammar of western Turkish. Ahmet Cevdet Pasha, on the other hand, is as important for Turkish history as for Turkish grammar. He was a pioneer for all grammar books in a period when western elements started to enter Turkish language. At the same time it dealt with several topics such as learning of our language, finding counterparts for new concepts, eliminating the difference between spoken and written language, and making innovations in Arabic language. It played a leading role for all grammar books in a period when western elements started to enter Turkish language. The book titled Mikyâsu'l-Lisân Kistâsu'l- Beyân (Criteria of language, comparison of expression) written by Kutahyali Abdurrahman Fevzi Efendi was completed in 1847 before Ahmed Cevdet Pasha’s book, accepted by the Ministry of Education, but was printed in 1882 after the decease of the author. The preface of the book contains the opinions of Abdurrahman Fevzi Efendi on Turkish language. According to Abdurrahman Fevzi Efendi, linguistic is a supreme art which comprises of several benefits; however, none of the scientists who are superior in creating nice books did not use their pens in this topic and reveal their opinions. Taking this into consideration he imagined writing a principal Turkish grammar book. In this paper comparison evaluations and examinations will be provided on the books of these three important figures who are essential for Turkish language history.

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