
The formation of the Russian procedural legal system is closely connected with its unique historical evolution. Russian Russian culture According to the Norman theory of the origin of the Russian nation, the Scandinavian culture is the most important source of early Russian culture. During the chaotic period of the tribe at the stage of primitive society, the Norman Varian was invited to Russia to reconcile the tribes of Russia and manage them, and this brought the Germanic custom to regulate the socio-economic and legal relations of various tribes. Since the formation of the ancient state of Russia, the ruling class has constantly strengthened the drafting of new laws and regulations, but customary law still dominates the legal system of the state. At the same time, ordinary norms in the system of customary law as a quasi-legal norm between morality and law have become an integral organic component of social customs and norms at all stages of Russian social development.During the period of Ancient Russia, the common custom of the Slavic people and the Norman Customary Law had a profound impact on the social life of ancient Russia. From the beginning of the 9th to the 17th century, customary law existed as the main legal source for regulating social relations in the late period of the development of Russian primitive society and in the earlier time of feudal society. His coercive force was based on the conviction that was widespread in the social community during this period, that is, "existing customs denote a reasonable basis". With the formation of the East Slavic state, the rulers began to work on drafting new legal norms, but inheritance is still mainly based on customs based on the clan system. As a result, as a rule of conduct recognized and guaranteed by the state, traditional customs gradually acquired a legal nature, and after that, positive law was formed. "Russkaya Pravda" is the most representative legal collection in the early years of the Russian feudal society, "The Truth of Ross", which was compiled according to the customs of the Eastern Slavs, and is the very fi rst positive law of ancient Russia.Before the appearance of formal law, customary law always played a role and coercive force as legislation, but the self-defense and insane methods of revenge obtained from it also caused social unrest. In order to stop personal self-defense and self-arbitrariness, as well as to strengthen ties between different regions, it is necessary to use the power of common law to unite the Principality into a whole. Although the new law does not exclude the original good customary norms, if there are no necessary penalties for violations, it will be destructive for the law. Therefore, it is necessary to give customary law a legal meaning and a compelling force, without changing the existing content of customary law.I must say that the German customs and the traditional customs of the Slavic people are intertwined in the historical codifi cation of Russian procedural law, forming a unique historical path of development of the procedural legal system of ancient Russia. Although national customs were recognized by the state in the form of positive law with the help of " Russian Truth”, and became the norm of justice and social norm on the basis of the guarantee of national coercive force, but this did not change the essence of customary law, but the form of positive law was given to it. As the modernization of the Russian judicial system moves into modern times, generations of legislators and lawyers are focusing on the study of national legal traditions and history, trying to discover the natural laws governing the development of the Russian legal system, and are constantly trying to make progress in the modern and modern process of judicial reform. The harmony of legislation, the borrowing of laws and national customs to a certain extent ensured a reasonable adjustment of national laws and norms of customary law.


  • During the period of Ancient Russia, the common custom of the Slavic people and the Norman Customary Law had a profound impact on the social life of ancient Russia

  • From the beginning of the 9th to the 17th century, customary law existed as the main legal source for regulating social relations in the late period of the development of Russian primitive society and in the earlier time of feudal society

  • "Russkaya Pravda" is the most representative legal collection in the early years of the Russian feudal society, "The Truth of Ross", which was compiled according to the customs of the Eastern Slavs, and is the very first positive law of ancient Russia

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二、部落混乱时期父系家长制下的争议解决体系 随着斯拉夫部族进入部落联盟阶段,诸部落联盟实力逐渐增强,各部落之间开始彼此攻伐,导致罗斯大 地处于战乱之中,也由此陷入部落混乱时期。此时,由于社会制度的重大改变,原始的父系家长制的解决 争议方式也随之发生了巨大变化。 随着社会的发展和氏族规模的扩大,某些家族之间的联系逐渐弱化,一些家族对于共同的起源逐渐失去 认同感,只有部分家族依旧保持着组成氏族联盟的传统。其他不属于同一氏族的家族对其而言等同于异族, 由于不能期待组成和平的联盟,又要防止异族的进攻和侵害,于是若干观念上认为自己属于同一氏族的家 族,共同组成了新的社会组织—村社(община),一种新型的共同社会生活形态。最初的村社继续了以往 的传统父系家长制,但随着一些村社解体和重组,这种内部的联系逐渐消失,虽然各个村社仍然通过内部 联盟的方式结合在一起,以村社会议的方式解决社会生活事项,但是,一些强大的村社开始寻求对于其他 村社的支配,由此导致了最初形态部落联盟的解体,以及民族生活方式的改变。村社之间这种敌对的冲突 破坏了原有父系家长制下的生活秩序—和平调停这种统一而最优的争议解决方式,在倾轧和无序的时代已 经无法独立适用,与之并立的另一种更野蛮的争议解决方式—自力救济(самоуправство)随之出现。在 整体失序的状态下,父系家长的生活方式只能在家族内部保持并加以强化:家族成员在家族内部彼此之间 寻求保护,将对于家族成员的侵害,等同于对整个家族的侵犯,因此,不仅受害人,其近亲属亦可以追捕 加害人。这就是同态复仇(месть)、自力救济和私自审讯(самосуд)的起源,并逐渐取代了之前的习惯, 成为审理解决争议的依据。无序时代出现的私自审讯和自力救济在古罗斯很长一段时间内被广泛应用,并 随着社会的发展以法律的形式得以确认。这一状况一直延续至社会公共权力真正确认了法定的权利保护方 式,并规定了诉讼的法律形式,自此自力救济逐渐弱化,直到完全消失。 三、日耳曼习惯法对于俄罗斯诉讼体系形成的影响 各村社为追求自身的支配地位,彼此之间互带敌意的冲突以及社会的整体无序均达到了一定程度,这就 迫使各部族开始寻求先进民族强大首领作为罗斯诸部落的统治者,帮助解决纷争和建立秩序,于是北方诺 曼人一支的瓦良格公爵们开始入主罗斯,并于公元862年分别登上了王位:留里克在诺夫哥罗德,特鲁沃 尔在伊兹博尔斯克,西纽斯在别洛奥泽罗。7瓦良格的王公开始在部落联盟的内部建立新的秩序,分配土地 并将管理权赋予自己的代理人(наместник,意为地方长官),他们直接服从于王公的权威。8被破坏的部 落统一开始重新逐渐得到恢复。瓦良格王公作为诺曼人9的一支为部落生活带来了新的日耳曼因素,并随之 建立了新的管理体系、组织结构、习惯法,以及审理解决争议程序的原则。部落的无序状态,加速了集权. During the period of Ancient Russia, the common custom of the Slavic people and the Norman Customary Law had a profound impact on the social life of ancient Russia. From the beginning of the 9th to the 17th century, customary law existed as the main legal source for regulating social relations in the late period of the development of Russian primitive society and in the earlier time of feudal society.

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