
Problem and goal. In the modern sociocultural situation, the problem of the essence of the professional activity of a teacher and the personal qualities conditioned by it, its determination by global changes and the argumentation of the role of a person in the education system is actualized, and therefore, there is an urgent need to study the patterns, ways and trends of the pedagogical system. The purpose of the article is to consider the historical foundations of the problem of professionally important qualities of a teacher at the present stage, their conditionality by the mechanisms of the pedagogical process and pedagogical activity for the development of the individual, all participants in the educational process. Methodology. The methodological foundations of this material are mediated by the foundations of competency-based, cultural and contextual methodology, which consider the professionally important qualities of a teacher as aspects of the personality of a competent specialist in modern sociocultural determination and in the context of specific situations of his professional activity. Research results. Based on the analysis of the historical development of the concept of professionally important qualities of a teacher’s personality, the author singled out socially significant increments and the main directions of the study of the phenomenon in the historical and pedagogical retrospective. In conclusion, the author concludes that the professionally important qualities of a teacher are formed in the process of his professional training, pedagogical activity and are able to improve throughout the entire professionalization.

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