
The article examines the historical development of administrative liability for bullying in Ukraine. The historical and legal literature on the genesis of administrative responsibility for violence against children, including bullying, is considered and analyzed. It has been established that child abuse has been present in all historical times, but at certain intervals it was considered the norm and accepted by society as appropriate behavior. Attitudes toward chil-dren in primitive, slave-owning, and feudal societies were cruel. They were beaten, sacrificed, sold into slavery, or simply left to die. The legal norms were only of a “recommendatory” nature, and sanctions were not applied or were applied only in the case of the murder of a child. The situation of children in the XVIII-XIX centuries. improved, but limited to parental authority. During this period, administrative liability is applied to certain illegal acts against children. The period of the XX - XXI centuries. can be considered - the “century of recognition of childhood”, be-cause a number of regulations - legal acts, which confirmed that childhood - a priority value of the state. From 2018, Ukraine provides for administrative liability for bullying.
 By analyzing the source base, the historical periods of the genesis of administrative responsibility for bullying in Ukraine are highlighted, which is presented as follows:stage 1 - the 16th century initial (the rules of law governing the treatment of a child were of a recommendato-ry nature, and therefore liability for their violation was not provided).Stage 2 - XVII - XIX centuries weakening (weakening of abuse of the child, strengthening of its rights, however, in the specified period the responsibility for violence against the child, including bullying was not applied).Stage 3 - XX century. legislative (ratification of in-ternational treaties and the adoption by Ukraine of regulations governing and protecting the rights of the child; the introduction of administrative liability for violations of the rights of the latter).Stage 4 - XXI century. modernized (legislative consolidation of administrative responsibility for bullying in Ukraine).It is concluded that the history of mankind is permeated through the prism of cruelty to children and among them and emphasizes that there have always been ways to prevent this phenomenon and Ukraine has taken a big step towards combating bullying by introducing appropriate legal liability , including administrative.

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