
The study was carried out since May, 2019.The major objective was that to find out historical causes of militancy and its impacts on education in the world. Total 40 studies were downloaded from the net and was reviewed again and again and analyzed the situation about the historical causes of militancy and its impacts on education in the world. The study indicates that It is the historical game of the world which are used for gaining the power over the world. All the world developed and under developing countries are involved in this game. Similarly the poor community and illiterate people are deceived by this game and give money for gaining their objectives and purpose. In this game schools, hospitals , road and bridges are destroyed while sometime people are killed for pressurized the government for weakening the economy of the country. Since 1979 the Russia attacked on Afghanistan and this time US allied forces defeated to Russia and this time Asama Bin ladin was the part of US allied forces while latter on in 9/11 he was wanted to USA in this case. Such type accidents were also observed in Iraq, Turkey, Sirilanka, Bangladesh, India, Labia, Egpt. Sham, Pakistan, Malishiya and Syria etc. The militants also there attacked on the administration machinery and want that to downfall the system of the country. The record shows that million people were killed and number of school, colleges and hospitals were destroyed by bomb blasting and number of students was dropped out due to terror from the schools and colleges. Review of related literature shows that militancy is causing aggression in society in terms of cause and interest. In every society the militants are the production of socio-economical imbalanced systems. It also explores that poverty prevailed in society is mainly causing militancy. Thus militancy is not only affecting economy (in terms of spending money on war of terror) but can also have impacts on the physical shape of the society. Insecurity in educational sectors increases illiteracy (dropout rate). While terrorist attacks are directly creating fear and psychological diseases like anxiety etc. among both the parents and students and even in teachers as well. Especially those students whose institutions are once targeted or still under influence of terrorism are avoiding education and they are suffering directly and facing bad consequences in future. The militancy raised due to poverty and illiteracy in the world which further used by some leader for gaining the power. They activate the poor illiterate community which has no knowledge about the game while they are deceived and unite them against the government which latter on became militants which have weapons which are used against the government and destroyed to schools and colleges and make the environment unfavorable and create terror in the world for pressurizing the government. On the basis of problems the study recommended that to generate employment for reduction of poverty and established school and colleges for the improvement of their skill to find job easily anywhere in the world for pushing their economy. All countries of the world boundary walls should be constructed for protection of for foreign militant attack. Strict rules and regulation by government should be imposed. Passport and Identity Card system should be developed in the country for arresting the militants who goes against the country. Keywords: -Historical Review, Causes, Militancy, Impact, Education, World DOI : 10.7176/JAAS/58-04 Publication date :September 30 th 2019


  • The modern world has seen unprecedented increase in militancy than the past decades

  • The universe of the study was the whole world and total 40 studies were downloaded from the net and reviewed again and again and analyzed the situation and conclusion was drawn about militancy causes and its impacts on the education in the whole world

  • From last thirty years Pakistan has affected a lot due to militancy. It was just the result of taking part of the ethnic, sectarian and clashes for the world power in neighbor’s country (Shabir, & Naeem, 2015). Their penalties were on the socio-cultural and psychological life of the people but rather it has left worst impacts on the religion and economic structure of the country (Salaman, 2012).In Malakand Division the Militancy was first initiated by Tehreek-e-Nifaze-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM) led by Maulana Sufi

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The modern world has seen unprecedented increase in militancy than the past decades. Thousands of people have become homeless while millions of children are on the verge of death. The present meaning of militant does not have to; and usually does not refer to a registered fighter; it can be anyone at all who subscribes, either in partial or in whole, to the plan of using violence to achieve some objective, usually political or spiritual. The term militancy refers to a movement in which a group of people are busy in armed struggle to achieve an objective and hold an aggressive attitude in support of an attitude or cause. The description of militancy is www.iiste.org violence and aggression for confirmation of their political or religious beliefs in the name of a group. Militants often have an extreme solution for their goals and their movement. Militants may fill their position either by volunteering or by recruitment. Unstable or less controlled society create traditional minds, they performs their nonhuman activities (Rizvi, 2005)

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