
Objective. To study and generalize experience of theteaching staff of the Civil Protection and Disaster Medicine Department for a period from 1967 to 2017. To investigate the dynamics of changes in educational, pedagogical and scientific work, to evaluate the achieve-ments and to draw conclusions regarding further improvement of educational process and training of medical personnel and scientific activities. Material and methods. Archival and current materials of organization and activities of the State Institution “Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” and Civil Protection and Disaster Medicine Department for 1926–2017 are studied. Educational, pedagogical and scientific materials of the teaching staff of the Department are analyzed and summarized. Results. Studied materials and generalized experience, analysis of dynamics of changes in the educational and pedagogical process, educational and methodo-logical work and scientific achievements and their evaluation made it possible to draw conclusions regarding further improvement of the educational process and scientific activities. Conclusions. The past of medicine, considering its present state, made it possible to trace and evaluate, in the historical sequence, changes in medical education, educational process, content of medical knowledge, training of medical personnel, problems of science, mainstream theories and paradigms, organizational forms of emergency medical care in emergency situations of anthropogenic, natural, social and military nature and to outline ways of their further improvement.

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