
The aim of the research is to show the contribution in theory and practice of the Russian penitentiary staff training system foundation by Nikolay Florianovich Luchinsky (1860 – after 1917), an outstanding Russian legislator and a talented civil servant. Methods . The methods involve general scientific methods of knowledge, pedagogical and historical sciences focused on the historical and pedagogical study of documentary sources. Results . N. F. Luchinsky’s main educational ideas, principles and scientific approaches to the issues of penitentiary staff training are considered in the article. The main milestones of the professional biography of one of the main vocational education ideologists of such type are described; N. F. Luchinsky’s leading role at the beginning of the 20th century in the development of system-based and complex education of prison employees is defined. Scientific novelty. The historical material opening the pedagogical concept of N. F. Luchinsky – the outstanding lawyer who was at sources of methodical ensuring process of preparation of penitentiary personnel in imperial Russia is for the first time analysed. Basic provisions of the book «Bases of Prison Case» and the author’s project by N. F. Luchinsky on the organization of educational institution for preparation of penitentiary personnel are considered. The value and viability of scientific ideas of N. F. Luchinsky in case of their projection on the present is shown. Practical significance. Materials of article on pre-revolutionary domestic penitentiary and pedagogical experience which for a long time has been buried in oblivion can be interesting to the teachers of history of the right, experts and methodologists dealing with training issues for modern criminal and executive system.


  • Luchinsky’s main educational ideas, principles and scientific approaches to the issues of penitentiary staff training are considered in the article

  • Ф. Краткий очерк деятельности Главного тюремного управления за первые XXXV лет его существования (1879–1914 гг.) // Тюремный вестник

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Luchinsky’s main educational ideas, principles and scientific approaches to the issues of penitentiary staff training are considered in the article. В дореволюционной России, пожалуй, не было лица более активного, деятельного и компетентного в вопросах подготовки пенитенциарного персонала, чем Николай Флорианович Лучинский. Ученые – юристы, публицисты-исследователи тюремной системы и ее практические работники – предпринимали попытки осмыслить предназначение тюремного персонала, так как ощущали необходимость повышения его общеобразовательного и профессионального уровня.

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