
Background/Objectives: The article analyzes the criminal law of the Soviet period in the field of citizens' rights protection regarding ethnic and racial discrimination and considers the international norms implementation in modern law. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The research is based on the dialectical method of studying the processes of socio-legal phenomena. The main subject of the study is a philosophical understanding of the social nature of crimes, as a phenomenon depending on the society evolution, influencing the development of criminal law theory, criminology and constitutional law. The authors have also used specific scientific research. Methods: Logical-semantic, historical, legal, system-structural, comparative law, sociological and mathematical modeling methods. Findings: As a result of the research, it has been found that there is no official interpretation of legislative norms at the level of the Supreme Court, some legal concepts contained in the text of the regulations are vague and ambiguous, which hinders the development of a uniform practice of application, making it possible to qualify some actions from a subjective point of view. A conclusion has also been formulated about the insufficient effectiveness of the reliable legal protection mechanism enshrined in the USSR Constitution of equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, depending on the given circumstances. Application/Improvements: The significance of the study is determined by the breadth of its application, namely by the use of its results in legislative, educational and propaganda activities.

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