
Introduction to the problem. The uncertainty of the professional position of the position of educational counselor is associated with insufficient theoretical and methodological substantiation of the content and functions of the activity. It becomes relevant to turn to the historical and pedagogical analysis of socio-cultural conditions mediating the practice of realization of the educational activity of a teacher. The aim of the article: to show the historical and cultural origins in the activity of the educational counselor, to determine the possible conditions for the formation of a positive image of the counselor in modern conditions. The methodological basis of the study is formed by the provisions of systemic (V. G. Afanasiev, M. S. Kagan, etc.) and sociocultural (A. G. Asmolov, A. S. Akhiezer, etc.) approaches, theoretical provisions of the concept of constructing social reality (P. Berger, T. Lukman, etc.). Berger, T. Lukman, A. Schütz, etc.), including in the form of images of pedagogical reality (T. A. Romm), the idea of polysubjectivity of education (D. V. Grigoriev, N. L. Selivanova, etc.). Research Findings. The position of an educational counselor can be interpreted in different senses, which set different images of his/her activity. For the formation of a positive image of the educational counselor it is important to comprehend the channels of influence on its perception by the public and professional consciousness, taking into account the existing historical experience. The formation of perceptions of the modern image of the educational adviser is connected with the existence in the national pedagogical tradition of the role of the counselor - an adult leader in children’s social organization (“vozhatsky image”) and the educational component of class leadership (“educational image”). Conclusion. Addressing the problem of forming the image of the educational counselor becomes an important task of education, because it expands ideas about the essence and functions of counselors (information function); promotes the inclusion of educational counselors in the everyday social and educational reality (integration function); promotes consolidation and identification of the bearers of this role among other social and pedagogical subjects (identification role).

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