
Introduction:- Ovaries are paired pelvic reproductive organs with wide biological and histological behaviour. Its lesions can arise from any of its components, be it sex cells to germ cells to mesenchymal cells and present in varied fashion, thereby offering us a good eld for research. Objectives:- Material and Methods:- To study various neoplastic and non neoplastic lesions of Ovaries and their age distribution. It is a retrospective study undertaken using data retrieved from records of pathology department from January 2019 to December 2020. A total of 135 specimen during these two years were studied. Of the 135 lesions 63 were non neopla Results:- stic and 72 were neoplastic. Of these 72, 51 were surface epithelial tumours, 13 germ cell, 6 sex cord stromal and 2 secondaries. A Conclusion:- lthough ovaries are common site for primary and secondary tumours, non neoplastic lesions are most common followed by benign neoplastic lesions. Most common benign and malignant lesions are of surface epithelial origin. Mostly unilateral ovary is involved and most common age group is 20-39 years

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