
BACKGROUND: Ovarian cystic lesions are common in gynecologic practice and is the most commoncause of gynecologic surgery in hospitals. These may be non neoplastic or neoplastic. The neoplasticmay be either benign or malignant. It is clinically important to differentiate between benign andmalignant cystic lesions for management purpose.OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of morphologic pattern of cystic lesions of the ovaryMATERIAL AND METHODS: This retrospective descriptive study was carried out in the Departmentof Gynaecology/Obstetrics and Pathology SMC & STH, Swat from January 2014 to December 2015. Atotal of 104 cases were subjected to this study. All the cases of ovarian cysts sent for histopathologicalexamination were included in this study. Autolysed and insufficient specimen were excluded. Data wasrecorded on predesigned proforma. All the biopsy specimen were received in 10% buffered formalin,sections 5 millimeter thick were taken, processed for histopathological tissue processing. Hematoxylinand Eosin (H&E) stained were used for diagnostic purposes and diagnosis recorded.RESULTS: In this study one hundred and four (104) cases of ovarian cystic specimen were included.The mean age was 38 years with age range from 14-73 years. Amongst these 60 (57.6%) cases werebilateral and 44 (42.30%) cases were unilateral. Benign lesions were 100 (96.15%) and malignantlesions were 4 (3.8%) cases. Amongst the benign lesions follicular cyst ovary was the commonest lesion37 (35.5%) cases followed by mucinous cyst adenoma 18 (17.30%), serous cyst adenoma 16 (15.38%),mature cystic teratoma 14 (13.46%) etc. In these benign cystic lesions there were 14 cases (13.46%) ofmature cystic teratoma (Dermoid Cyst),18 cases (17.30%) were mucinous cyst adenoma,16 cases(15.38%) were serous cyst adenoma,09 cases (8.6%) were corpus luteal cyst, 2cases (1.92%) wereadenofibroma of ovary and 4 cases (3.8%) were ovarian cyst of undetermined origin. In theses 100 cases37 cases (35.5%) were normal occurring follicular cysts.CONCLUSION: This study show follicular cyst as the commonest histological lesion in cystic ovariansurgical specimen.KEY WORDS: Ovarian cyst, Histopathology, Benign cyst, Mucinous Cystadenoa.

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