
Background: Liver is the most vulnerable and major organ in our body which undergoes variety of insultslike metabolic, toxic, microbial and circulatory disturbances. Liver is the site of many diseases which becomesymptomatic while some are diagnosed only on autopsy.It is beneficial for clinician and pathologist to reachaccurate diagnosis through histopathological examination of liver and determine the involvement of liver inautopsy cases.Methods: A prospective study was conducted in the Department of Pathology, Government Medical College,Amritsar from January 2021 to December 2022. One hundred liver specimens were studied in autopsy cases ofdifferent age groups received in department of Pathology. Gross examination of liver specimen was done and.Hand E stained slides were subjected to microscopic examination. The aim of the study was to see the prevalenceof liver diseases in medicolegal autopsies and their histopathological examination.Conclusion: In our study number of males was more than females. Liver congestion was the most common findingin our study followed by fatty liver. Alcohol intake was the common findings in large number of autopsy cases.

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