
The Spontaneously Diabetic Torii (SDT) rat is a novel rat model recently established for type 2 diabetes mellitus. In this report, we describe the unique histopathologic characteristics of the diabetic ocular lesions observed in both sexes in aging SDT rats. The eyes were histopathologically examined at various ages in 23 SDT rats (twelve males 39 - 70 weeks; eleven females 60 - 82 weeks). Diabetic ocular lesions included cataract, rupture of the lens, posterior vitreous detachment, proliferative retinopathy, tractional retinal detachment and iris neovascularization in all of the animals of both sexes at ages over 60 weeks. The onset of diabetes is approximately 6 months later in females than in males, however, the diabetic ocular lesions were similar in females and males at ages over 60 weeks. The impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) noted over a long period of time in females may contribute to the progressive development of the lesions.

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