
Dyes are the substances which are used for imparting color. They are mainly used in food, textiles, paint, leather & printing industries. Dyes are extensively used in histopathology and cytological examination in oral pathology. Hematoxylin and Eosin stains are primarily used for differentiating between cell nucleus and cytoplasm. However, Eosin been a xanthene derivative is synthetic in nature and hence is known to be carcinogenic. Replacement of chemical dyes with natural ones is the need of the hour in this era of global warming and environmental pollution. The aim of the study was to determine the efficacy of aqueous extract of turmeric and hibiscus as a cytoplasmic stain replacing eosin and to formulate a natural staining agent using Turmeric and Hibiscus. Seventy paraffin-embedded tissue blocks were selected.Three sections were made from each block. One section was stained with conventional H&E method (used as control), second section was stained with 10 % aqueous turmeric extract while third section was stained with 75% aqueous hibiscus extract.Tissue were evaluated using following parameters:- Nuclear staining, Cytoplasmic staining, Cell morphology, Clarity of staining, Uniformity of staining and Background staining.

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