
Postmenopausal bleeding is an important symptom and requires careful and timely assessment to eliminate the possibility of malignancy. A thorough examination may help in the diagnosis of vulval, vaginal, cervical, or pelvic pathology. This study was carried out to find the probable causes in patients presenting with postmenopausal bleeding. The study included 55 women with postmenopausal bleeding and was conducted in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Benghazi medical center from January 2019 to December 2021. Diagnostic curettage and cervical biopsy were done and histopathology report was collected. The mean age of the patients was 57.74 years (range 45-75 years), and the median age of menopause was 60 years. Among the patients 5 (9.3%) had only diabetes and 3 (5.6%) patients had hypertension. fifty patients (90.3%) were multipara, about (87%) were had no family history of same illness. by diagnostic curettage and cervical biopsy revealed suspected endometrial sarcomas in 1 cases (1.9%) and fibroid in 1 case (1.9%). The most common clinical finding was endometrial adenocarcinoma in50 patients (92.6%). About)76%( of patients with adenocarcinoma present with postmenopausal bleeding, and three patients (3.7%) had hyperplasia.

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