
This study was carried out on seven flocks of ewes suffered from late abortion and neonatal mortality with the prevalence rate of infection reported as 13.95%. The blood and tissue samples were collected from the aborted ewes in several flocks of Duhok province, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Serological analysis indicated that all the aborted ewes were confirmed positive for agglutination to Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii)antibody. The investigation of the aborted fetuses showed the blood-stained fluid in the thoracic and abdominal cavity. Most of the aborted fetuses had also enlarged, congested, and friable livers and lungs. The placenta was swollen, reddish, and friable, and its cotyledons also spotted with whitish foci. T. gondii tachyzoites were also demonstrated in the placental sections of some aborted ewes. Severe congestion, necrosis, and infiltration of multinucleated cells were the most predominant histopathological changes of the aborted fetuses, as well as presented tissue cysts, tachyzoites, and bradyzoites in the liver, brain, heart, and lung. There were also several clusters of dark purple banana-shaped T. gondii tachyzoites within the brain and heart tissues in most of the examined aborted fetuses in different flocks. T. gondii tachyzoites were also detected from the peritoneal ascites of mice inoculated experimentally 12 days following the infection. Moreover, T. gondii tissue cysts were detected from the impression smears of the mice brains 32 days after the infection. Accordingly, the demonstration of T. gondii in Giemsa-stained impression smears associated with characteristic histopathological changes of different organs is a great fundamental method for the diagnosis of T. gondii in aborted cases.

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